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Mazen Farhood

Dr. Mazen Farhood
Dr. Mazen Farhood
Office Location:
Virginia Tech Swing Space, Room 224G
1600 Innovation Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061

Kevin T. Crofton Department of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering


Ph.D., 2005, Mechanical Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
M.S., 2001, Mechanical Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
B.Engr., 1999, Mechanical Engineering, American University of Beirut, Lebanon

Selected Honors

2014 NSF CAREER Grant Recipient

Selected Papers

O. Arifianto and M. Farhood, "Optimal control of a small fixed-wing UAV about concatenated trajectories," Control Engineering Practice, Volume 40, Pages 113-132, July 2015.

M. Farhood, Z. Di, and G.E. Dullerud, "Distributed control of linear time-varying systems interconnected over arbitrary graphs," International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Volume 25, Issue 2, Pages 179-206, January 2015.

M. Farhood and E. Feron, "Obstacle-sensitive trajectory regulation via gain scheduling and semidefinite programming," IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Volume 20, Issue 4, Pages 1107-1115, July 2012.

Selected Projects

Provably Correct Control Software for Autonomous High-Performance Agents, NSF

Systematic Control Algorithms and Computational Tools for Complex Distributed Systems, NSF

A Robust Framework for Reliability Analysis of UAV Control Systems, NAVAIR